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Database Subjects Guide Contents
BAU Academic Search You can search multiple databases with BAU Academic Search simultaneously.
Academic Search Ultimate Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Geology, Law, Psychology, Veterinary Medicine, Materials Science, Music, Religion.
AccessMedicine Health, Medicine, Anatomy, Psychology, Pharmacology, Pathology,
ACM Digital Library(DL) Computer Sciences, Software Programming, Hardware.
ACS(American Chemical Society) (New) Full-text electronic access for journals published by ACS(American Chemical Society) in chemistry and other related fields. Beginning from 1879; archives of journals are available.
Annual Reviews Annual Reviews is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society.
Applied Science & Business Periodicals Retrospective Index In 1913-1983 period which was published more than 2,000 life science publications and indexing is a key index in the economic and administrative sciences.
Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective An index contains important historical scientific studies and discoveries between 1913 and 1983.
Art Index Retrospective (H.W. Wilson)
ASCE (New) ASCE is the world's most comprehensive resource that covers civil engineering research and implementation articles; and all disciplines of civil engineering.
Beck e-Bibliothek Law Publications, Law Journals, Law Literature, Precept.
Beck Online Law, Contracts.
Bridgeman Education Bridgeman Education is the online education resource of Bridgeman Art Library. Bridgeman Education provides access to large amount of visual content in the fields of fine arts, architecture, culture and history. Bridgeman Education provides legal access to more than 2 milion high definition visual content for the purpose of education and learning.
Britannica Online Art and Literature, World and Geography, Health and Medicine, Philosophy and Religion, Sport and Science and Mathematics,Life Science, Society and Human Science, Nature Science, Technology and History.
Business Periodicals Index Retrospective: 1913-1982
Business Source Ultimate Business, Economy, Finance, Economic and Administrative Sciences.
CAB Abstracts CAB Direct is the most thorough and extensive source of reference in the applied life sciences, incorporating the leading bibliographic databases CAB Abstracts and Global Health.
Cambridge Online Journal Science, Engineering, Architecture, Social Sciences and Humanities, Economy, Politics, Medicine, Pharmacology.
Central & Eastern European Academic Source Literature, Science, Law, Business and Economics, Library and Information Sciences, Engineering, Political Science, Sociology, History, Medicine and Health Sciences
Clinical Key Medicine,Health.
ClinicalKey Student
DeGruyter Ebooks Architecture and Design, Law, Philosophy, Arts, Library and Information Science, Physics, Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Materials Sciences, Geosciences, Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Linguistics, Social Sciences, Economics, Literary, Cultural and Area Studies, Theology and Religious Studies,Engineering, Computer Sciences, Mathematics, History, Medicine and Life Sciences.
Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source Dentistry&Oral Sciences
Drama Online
Dynamed Health Management, Medicine, Anatomy, Psychology.
E-Book Academic Collection Multidisciplinary electronic book database
Ebook Central (Proquest) Multidisciplinary electronic book database
Education Index Retrospective: 1929-1983 multicultural / ethnic education, language arts, religion, education, computers in education, science and mathematics, government funds, library, literature, standards, pre-school, school management, secondary education, the arts, social studies, continuing education, distance education, adult education, higher education.
Edward Elgar Social sciences oriented electronic book platform.
Emerald Premier Accounting, Finance and Statue, Education, Health Management, Human Resources, Industry Sectors and Innovation, Information Management, International Business, Library Management and Librarianship, Administrative Science, Economy and Social Policy, Quality Management, Marketing, Real Estate and Property, Strategy Management.
EMIS • İsletme, İktisat, Ekonomi, İstatistik, Bankacılık ve Finans Bölümleri-Şirket, Sektör ve Ülke Analizinin tamamı • Kamu Yönetimi-Haberler, Ülke Analizi • Mimarlık, İnşaat Fakültesi, Şehir ve Bölge Planlama : Örneğin: Emis Insights Construction Sector Report-Turkey • Gıda Mühendisliği, Endüstri Mühendisliği, Maden Mühendisliği, Petrol ve Doğalgaz Mühendisliği, vb… Tüm Mühendislikler-Tüm Sektor Raporları (Ülkesel, Bölgesel ya da Global Raporlar, Sektörel Benchmark, Sektörlerdeki Trendlerin Takibi, … • Sosyoloji-Proje Çalışmaları Kapsamında Tüm Haber İçerikleri • Psikoloji-Klinik Terapiler ve Genel Olarak Tıbbi. Gelişmeler Üzerine Çok Çesitli İçerik • Tıp Fakültesi, Eczacılık, Diş Hekimliği-Genel Olarak Sağlık Sektörünün tamamı üzerine kapsamlı içerik • Uluslararası Ticaret-İhracat & İthalat Pazarları, Yeni Pazar Arayışları ve Dış Ticaret Kapsamında Hedeflenen Ülkelerdeki Şirket Profillerine Erişim, Global ve Yerel Sektör Raporları, Sektör Verileri • Uluslararası İlişkiler- Ülke Analizi Üzerine Ülke Raporları (Ağırlıklı Ekonomik ve Politik Gelişmeleri İçeren) • Siyaset Bilimi-Siyasi Haber Arşivi, Ülke Raporları • İstatistik–Tüm Sektör İstatistikleri, Makro veriler, • Kimya ve Biyoloji Bilimleri-Biyoloji ve Kimya Dünyasına Hitap Eden Tüm Raporlar • Hukuk Fakültesi-Şirket Satın Alma ve Birleşme Haberleri, Raporları ve Şirket Analizi Bölümünün Tamamı • Bilim ve Teknoloji Enstitüsü-Tum Platform İçeriği
ERIC Education, Educational Sciences, Teachers Training.
Essential Science Indicators A Web of Science user account is required in order to use Essential Science Indicators.
European Views of the Americas: 1493-1750
Financial Times (New)
Financial Times Registration Link
GreenFILE Global Warming, Climate Change, Pollution, Afforestation, Agriculture, Renewable Energies and Recycle, Education, Law, Technology.
Hein Online Law, Reports, Regulation, Statue.
HukukTürk Law, Jurisprudences, Legislation, Bibliography.
Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective An index contains important resources from different branches of humanities and social sciences between 1907-1984.
IEEE Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Science, Bio medical Engineering,Physic.
IGI Global e-Books Engineering, Communication, Health, Management.
InCites InCites is an integrated academic platform that helps researchers to evaluate their research inputs and outputs, follow latest trends, compare individuals and regions. In order to use InCites, a Web of Science user account is needed.
İntihal.net (EKUAL) Plagiarism detection platform.
IOP Science Electronic book platform about physics, astronomy, matematik, quantum, material science, general knowledge, energy, biomedical
IOS Press Electronic book platform about medicine, chemistry, computer sciences, engineering, environmental sciences, architecture, physics, mathematics, social sciences
iThenticate Plagiarism Prevention.(Please contact us to get User Account.)Only for Academics
Journal Citation Reports A Web of Science user account is required in order to use Journal Citation Reports.
Jove Environment, Neuroscience, Chemistry, Biology, Bioengineering, Engineering, Medicine, Immunology
JSTOR Arts and Humanities.
Lexpera Hukuk, Raporlar, Tüzükler, Yasalar,Hukuk Yayınları - Dergileri, Literatür
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts More than 500 core journals, more than 50 priority journals and magazines as well as 125 exclusive books, research reports and proceedings are indexing.
MasterFILE Complete Business, Health, Education, Fitness, Sports and Leisure, Personal Finance, General Science, Multicultural Issues, DIY, Fashion.
MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection
MathSciNet Mathematics.
MEDLINE Medicine and Health Science.
Mendeley Reference management system
MIT Press Multidisipliner elektronik kitap platformu
Nature Biyolojik Bilimler, İşletme ve Ticaret, Toprak ve Çevre Bilimleri, Sağlık Bilimleri, Beşeri Bilimler, Bilimsel Toplum, Sosyal Bilimler.
Newspaper Source Plus Newspapers, Newsletters and News magazines
Open Dissertations
Ovid LWW Total Access Medicine,Pharmacology Health Management,Health Science, Arts and Humanities, Science.
Oxford Public International Law Law resources platform for The Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law and Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law collections
Oxford Scholarship e-Book Law, Business and Management, Health Management, Arts and Humanities, Science.
Oxford University Press Journals Social Sciences, Mathematics, Law, Business, Life Science.
Pep-Web Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry.
Pidgeon Masters of Architecture Arts and Humanities, Architecture.
Proquest Central ABI/INFORM,Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection,Arts & Humanities Database,Asian & European Business Collection,Australia & New Zealand Database,Biology Database,Business Market Research,Canadian Business & Current Affairs,Canadian Newsstream,Career & Technical Education,Computing Database,Continental Europe Database,Criminal Justice,East & South Asia Database,East Europe, Central Europe Database,Education Database,Family Health Database,Global Breaking Newswires,Health & Medical Complete,Health Management,India Database,International Newsstream,Latin America & Iberia Database,Library Science Database,Linguistics Database,Middle East & Africa Database,Military Database,Nursing & Allied Health Database,Political Science Database,Psychology Database,Public Health Database,Religion Database,Research Library information ,Science Database,Social Science Database,Sociology Database,Telecommunications Database,Turkey Database,UK & Ireland Database,US Newsstream
Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global Thesis.
PsycARTICLES Psychology, Psychometry, Analysis, Neuroscience.
PsycBOOKS Psychology, Neuroscience, Personality, Communication.
Regional Business News Business and Management, Finance, News.
Sage E-Books Education.
SAGE Journals Online Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Technology and Medicine.
ScienceDirect Chemistry, Clinical Medicine, Computer Sciences, Earth and Sky Sciences, Economy, Business and Management, Engineering, Energy and Technology, Environmental Science, Materials Science, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, Social Sciences.
SciFinder Registration Only the bahcesehir (bau) mail addresses can be used for registration. Please check register guide for more information.
SciFinder Methods Now Single source to search and compare the largest collection of analytical and synthetic methods with step-by-step instructions.
SciFinder-n Access A research discovery platform that allows you to explore the comprehensive and authoritative CAS databases covering references, substances, reactions and more.
SciVal Scival tüm dünyada 14.000' in üzerinde araştırma kuruluşu ve 230 ülkenin araştırma performans verilerine hızlı ve kolay erişim sağlamaktadır.
Scopus Chemistry, Clinical Medicine, Computer Science, Economy, Business and Management, Engineering, Energy, Environmental Science, Material Science, Mathematics, Physic and Astronomy, Social Sciences
Social Sciences Index Retrospective An index contains most important resources about social sciences published between 1907 and 1983.
Springer Protocols The world's largest collection of biomedical and life sciences protocols with over 54,000 articles. Based on tried and tested resources .
SpringerLink Chemistry, Computer Science, Economy, Engineering, Environmental Science, Geo sciences, Law, Life Science, Mathematics, Medicine, Physic and Astronomy.
Swisslex Law, Tax Law, Criminal Law, Statute
Taylor & Francis Agriculture, Health Management, Behavioral Sciences, Medicine, Psychology, Science, Social Sciences
Taylor and Francis Ebooks Area Studies, Arts, Behavioral Sciences, Bioscience, Built Environment, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Development Studies, Earth Sciences, Economics, Finance, Business & Industry, Education, Engineering & Technology, Environment & Agriculture, Food Science & Technology, Geography, Health and Social Care, Humanities, Information Science, Language & Literature, Law, Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health, Museum and Heritage Studies, Physical Sciences, Politics & International Relations, Reference & Information Science, Social Sciences, Sports and Leisure, Tourism, Hospitality and Events.
Teacher Reference Center To assist professional educators, teachers and administrators most popular 280 journals and magazines of the index / contains summary information.
The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source Science, Geography, Environment, Economy and Finance, Law, Internet and Telecommunications, Civil Engineering, Logistics, Architecture, Politics, Sustainable Development, Agriculture, Technology, Trade
Thieme Connect
TR Dizin ULAKBİM National Databases (UVT), to enable access to the Turkish scientific content in electronic media, researchers, databases being created by international standards of ULAKBİM.
Turcademy Natural Sciences, Life Sciences, Law, Engineering, Music and Fine Arts, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities Note: In order to access Turcademy books full text, a Turcademy user account needs to be created with a university e-mail address.
Turnitin The plagiarism detection.( Please send email to create account)
Up To Date Diagnoses, Terminology, Medicine, Pharmacology, Patient Education
Web of Science Author and Publication Information.
Wiley Online Library Trade, Finance, Administration, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geo sciences, Education, Engineering, Law, Life Science, Medicine, Mathematic, Statistics, Physic, Psychology.
Jove Accelerate your science research and education
Lorem Ipsum Dolor

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet.